
By Marionb

Lens Envy

Snow is gone, sun is out. Time to revisit the marsh. Seems a lot of people had the same idea - every last one of them a birdwatcher, each armed with a huge telephoto lens. At times it seemed there were more watchers than birds. I felt somewhat under equipped with my little pocket Canon and my iPhone. I would love to see what photos those folks went home with...there would be some VERY good ones to be sure... I spent quite a lot of time just watching the watchers, checking out what they were lining up through those huge lenses. ( see main entry) I did manage to get some shots I liked, although some of the better ones were all dotted with midges! (My iPhone seems very good at picking up midges! ) The least midge-dotted ones are in the extras - wood duck and killdeer. 

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