Future Apples

I just noticed that my apple tree is blooming; I hope we get a good crop this year, the apples are delicious. Anni, thanks for hosting Flower Friday......this is the best I have for today. I didn't stay in the garden long because I got a Bee bite yesterday and it is still very painful today. It was a strange encounter with that Bee, it flew in my ear and I tried to shake my head to get it out; eventually it was out but it bit me in my ear lobe and then buzzed me a few times. I was carrying some daffodils I had just deadheaded and once I dropped them he took off, so I wonder if he was after those flowers. Anyway, I have never been scared of Bees........but now with a very swollen red ear and pain in and around it.....I am a bit concerned about getting another Bee bite!  

We had to take a piece of medical equipment across town to be fixed today; it was a nice drive and it didn't start showering till we got home. It is only a mist of rain so far.....this wont green up the lawn....perhaps more rain tomorrow?

Enjoy your weekend......or do what we do .....enjoy every day, since every day is a weekend without regular working hours when you are almost completely retired.

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