Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Today it looked like it was going to rain all day and finally around 6pm when I set off on my blip mission, the rain came. You can say it's threatening to rain, or you can say it's promising to rain on days like this. It's not so much what happens, it's how we see it.

Hellebore flower essence increases self-assurance and reduces shyness, which is why I chose this photograph. I think the flower looks bashful here but its surface shyness can't hide the glamorous beauty of its gorgeous centre. If you need help in radiating out your inner beauty with self-assurance, hellebore will help. It's great for establishing goals and moving forward in your life with confidence.

I'm just about to have a very fiery curry which is just about the best thing to do when it's dreich and drizzly outside.

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