Here We Go Again- Leven Terrace

The air is cool, but the sun is hot. The Meadows are filling up with sun lovers while at the moment the gardens this side of the railings are still quiet unlike yesterday afternoon and evening when it felt like I was living in the middle of a university campus.
Some twenty students of various ethnicities descended for a get together on the grass near the Dower house to have a sociable drink and a barbecue.
The peace of a lovely warm afternoon reading in the sun was shattered by their loud jollity.
So far, so understandable, but then out came the rugby ball the frisbee and the small rubber ball. Why can’t boys sit still? Instead, they felt the need to throw the balls over large distances to each other which meant their game encroached on my hallowed ground. My blood pressure rose each time the balls and missed catches landed near me. I remonstrated, the concierge was called twice and eventually as the sun disappeared about 7pm, they disbanded.

Of the 20 people and one dog present, there was probably only one person living in Quartermile, the rest would likely be guests who knew they could party with drinks this side of the railings rather than on the other side where it is illegal to drink. Forget the 6 people from 3 households or whatever we are allowed outside in Scotland- nobody under 30 is bothered or listening.

Rant over, but it’s dispiriting to realise that cloud and rain would solve the problem of noisy students and outside parties.

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