
A strange image to Blip - a little out of date wouldn’t you say! However, this is the record of a momentous day.

One of the (many) projects that I listed at the beginning of the first lockdown was to clear a backlog of photo books. I started really well and was very pleased to succeed in creating and publishing all the blip books I had had waiting. Then I started on some of the other books that had never got done, including some from trips like the one we made to Copenhagen in 2019.

But I had suddenly had enough. It wasn’t the putting together of the books, the Motif software made this a joy to do. No, it was the time it took to upload the completed book so as to have it published by Motif. Our upload speed was so weak, it usually took several tries before the book would even think of going, then, if it started the journey, it took so long - measured in hours. And I often got a ‘timed out’ message and had to start the process all over again.

Today I found the Copenhagen book I had abandoned months ago, quickly revised it and went through the process of logging in, having it checked, keying in a voucher code and paying. Then the upload started . . . I couldn’t believe it . . .

. . . the blue line dashed from end to end in less than a minute and the upload was complete.

I am happy!

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