Red Gill washfold

Cautley Spout
Andy Goldsworthy

‘This was a ruined washfold, rebuilt in the aftermath of the devastating foot and mouth epidemic in 2001 during which all access to agricultural land was prohibited. Paying tribute to agricultural recovery and renewal, Goldsworthy constructed a large conical shaped cairn around one of the fold’s corners with a quarter slice missing where the corner cuts into it. “- an allusion to the experience of being excluded from the land.” (Goldsworthy 2007, page 137 in ‘Enclosure’)’

This has been on my ‘to do’ list for years. I’ve had a few abandoned attempts but at last made it today ... and what a glorious day.

However, flippin’ ‘eck Andy, did you have to put it all the way up there?! I’m glad I managed it and I’m not sure I’ll ever make it again. It’s always so much steeper and harder than I remember. I wondered about carrying on up The Calf but my hips and knees are glad that I thought better of that bright idea.

As I headed back I looked across to the tables at the back of The Cross Keys and slipped back all those years ago and was sure I could see us sitting there as we picked up a very lovely dressed salmon.

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