On Barton

A busy day starting off with biscuit making to coax me through the week.
Into town to do lots of bits of banking. An elderly woman came in with her walker for a sit down and the girls behind the counter rang round for taxis to take her back to Castletown but weren’t having much luck. I said I was parked up at Booths and if she was still there as I drove round I’d take her. She was. One of the girls had been round to the taxi rank but wasn’t able to get anyone for an hour! So I popped L’s walker in the back and off we went. It wasn’t far in distance but a long way in life story. L’s husband had died four years ago. Their daughter had died by suicide and unfortunately her young son had inhaled too much of the fumes and also died. L and her husband bought up the surviving granddaughter. One of the carers came out to help L back to her accommodation and I went back to finish my shopping but realised I had L’s jumper in the back so off I went again to drop that off.
Then it was off to get wild garlic, a walk on Barton, back to the old place to harvest more sprouting broccoli and I decided to pick up the small freezer seeing as the old landlord seems to have no interest whatsoever in the place or in returning my deposit. Off to Flusco before heading home and cooking a stew to freeze for the weekend.

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