Emergency! Abby to Vet.....

I noticed Abby was poochy in her behind.   Then I saw blood around her anus.   It was hard and painful to her.   She was actively bleeding and  leaving drops everywheres on the tile flooring.
     She was immediately taken to the UF Emergency Vet Clinic in Ocala. All sorts of things were in my mind....  bowel perforation, bowel prolapse, constipation with perforation and sepsis......   I was scared.
      We are home now.  She had a purulent anal gland rupture that had become an internal abscess.  She has a wound on her bum that is still draining, but she will be all right.  She has to wear a cone,  antibiotic's for 10 days, no running or jumping, and a check up with her regular vet in 3 to 5 days.   She will be all right.  I have no idea what caused this episode.  I will get to ask more questions  with her vet.  The emergency vet was busy and I didn't see the vet, as Abby was sent home.   When I got in the villa after bringing her home I was covered in her blood as she still bleeding.
    I am sooooooo relieved.  I haven't seen anything like that before and I don't want to see it again.    

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