Bluebell Heaven

My photo group of 4 photographic friends had planned to meet up in March 2020 for weekend trips ... but then Lockdown 1 scuppered those plans.  Finally we managed to re-arrange for this weekend and settled on Micheldever Woods in Hampshire UK with the hope of bluebells.

Bizarely, the northmost part of the woods had barely any flowers showing, the mid-part was "ok" but the southern edge had a reasonably good showing ... all within a couple of miles or so each way.  So we covered quite a lot of ground (over 17k steps, 6 miles) while having a good old catch-up and taking a few photos.

This one is actually a 2-image multi-exposure. I did take it "in camera" but had forgotten how to set it up properly, so this has been merged in photoshop!

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