Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


This is not a pose. Grandson Niklas has been home sick from school for 2 days-today he spent the morning at our house. He was not his usual talkative self so we watched TinTin on Netflix. I'd not seen it so that was fun at 10AM! - the comics were very popular with our boys. Nik's last basketball game of the season was scheduled for tonight and he was planning to "tough it out" and play (he was the high scorer last week) but this afternoon the mayor closed all the parks department recreation centers because a woman parks dept employee shot a parks department employer near the rec center where his game would be and as I write this is still on the loose!!!!!!!! So, no game .
Oh dear, the story on this one yet to come........

Did manage to get to the Ocean lecture today - all about whether or not the oceans should be fertilized in order to sink just a small % of the CO2 to the bottom with the phytoplankton. A really bad idea in my opinion - but of course driven by $ for some. More about this subject next week, the last of the quarter.

Today is Oskar's 8th birthday but we'll celebrate tomorrow!

Edit: The woman with the gun turned herself in. In a town south of seattle. The man who was shot is in stable but critical condition. The game could have happened but we are now all so sensitized to possible violence that all possible cautions are being taken. She did have keys to many other rec centers. What has this society come to?

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