Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum


The planned shot tonight didn't work out because the moon and the tree line didn't align as I had hoped but....

I arrived at the fields in plenty of time for dusk. The wind had dropped considerably but I still needed my thick winter coat.
I wandered around looking for hares. Found plenty of evidence that they are there but they kept out of sight.
Suddenly I heard the faint call of a cuckoo in the woods. It was magical to hear as I watched the moon slowly rise over the distant tree line.
Meanwhile, in the opposite direction, MotherNature was doing her best to distract me with a spectacular sunset.
I took a lot of images but I have decided to put together a mini planet from 1 pano shot, to show the colours in the sky.
The moon is just peeping out from the far right end tree

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