
For years this has been a hole on the ground following the disastrous Cowgate fire. It happened while we were still on Inverurie so must have been 7+ years ago. It did allow a huge study of the site to be done. My 3x great grandfather was mentioned as he owned, or rented property around there and there was some involvement with Oliver and Boyd. He was a wright, builder, upholsterer based in the Cowgate. He sold off the upholstery business, ill health, and then went bankrupt in the recession in the early 1820's. He was trying to develop land in Melville Street. He lived in the Grassmarket, working as a labourer and then bounced back to run a spirit dealers in Hanover Street before dying in 1847 in Haddington Place. He was the first of that line to live in Edinburgh, having moved up from the Borders. The internet makes finding fascinating facts so easy. Now yet another hotel is rising from the ashes of the Cowgate up to S Bridge.

It was freezing today and forecast to get worse. A snell wind. The planned interview didn't happen this morning so I had longer in the office dealing with a staff concern and other things not on the agenda.
Then to the physio. I have tennis elbow and an associated neck problem, ultrasound, wheat pack, heat patches, exercise. That was an expensive slip last October. Then I left carrying 2 full flower bags, a new cat carrier, bag full of paperwork to catch up on and a handbag. Later that was augmented by 2 Sainsbury's bags. One large bunch of tulips got given to ma, slightly early for Mother's Day.
Hope to slump on front of not v interesting tv, at least Gardener's World is back.

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