All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Where are you Daddy?

Playdate at Scrambles softplay for Ethan this morning with his wee pals Logan and Adam. Then off to the library to return books and choose a mountain of new ones - he loves the fact the librarians let him stamp his own books too. Back home for lunch and a sleep for Ethan (he's so tired during the day these days cos he's only averaging 9-10 hours sleep a night plus is often waking and shouting out about something silly too ... usually to complain his hot water bottle is cold or that he can't find his teddy ... which is more often than not right beside him)!

Nursery in the afternoon for Ethan so the weekly shop at Sainsbury's for me and housework.

Hubbie a bit later home than usual tonight so here's Ethan on the phone to him asking where he is!

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