All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Bleurgh ..... so much for my hopes last night that the kids would sleep well. Ethan slept right through but poor Eden was very unsettled. I think she's teething again - I had to settle her once before I went to bed, as did hubbie, then I was up twice during the night with her. Fortunately each time she resettled fairly quickly but it always takes me ages to get back to sleep again.

A working day for me today so I was a bit bleary eyed but never mind - getting used to that!

Grandpa had went back home early afternoon today as he had a hospital appointment and Eden was back home with Mr Foreveryoung. So Granny had a nice quiet afternoon by herself when Ethan was at nursey. As Grandpa had taken the car with him, my friend Lesley took Ethan to nursery and picked him up again which I think Ethan found quite exciting!

He was very cheerful when hubbie and I got back from work and wanted piggy backs from us all. Unfortunately he wasn't so cheerful when we dropped Granny at the station after dinner. He was fine until she got on the train and then he burst into tears cos he wanted to go on one too! Oh dear!

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