Sharing an obsession

With the opening up of lockdown I was able to meet up with one of my close friends from Edinburgh, Eric and to share with him my obsession with water droplet photography. I had had an abortive session with him some months ago when I was totally unable to create the attractive collisions that are the core of this type pf photography ( basically I had not diluted the droplet solution adequately).  This time I was determined to show him the ropes and we ended up having quite an enjoyable session together. 

I guess this was rather timely as I am celebrating my 2500th blip today and what better way to mark the occasion that exhibit one of my  trademark water droplets. 

May I take this opportunity to thank all of you who continue to support me with comments, stars and favourites despite my own poor lack of commenting myself. It's amazing what a few comments and stars can do for one's self confidence especially during this pandemic. I hope I have not bored you to death with my water droplet photography but I still see a lot of scope for improvement and different types of images. My own muse for this photography is Corrie White who you can find on the net. If you are considering venturing into this type of photography yourself or just want to find out more I suggest you buy her e-book "The ultimate Guide to Water Drop Photography'

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