Very much so and what is worse I got a cold again. My one day colds I can call them I fear. No question of going with Mischa to Madestein park, or take pictures elsewhere outside. A pity since we both had looked forward to it.
The two shells I once found on the beach, they are empty of course but their expression I still see and have tried to capture.

My haiku:

The spirit is gone
The empty shells in the sill
The o of surprise

And the proverb:

He/she cannot say B to a battledore.

Battledore I look up in my dictionary, it is a small racket for striking shuttlecock in game of battledore and shuttlecock.
Then what is shuttlecock? Shuttlecocl is object struck to and fro in badminton.
Now I know enough.
The next proverb is: He/she does not know A from a bull's foot.
Both proverbs perform in ignorance.

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