Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Rule of Thirds

May began full of the joys of spring. Warm sunshine, no cold wind, lots of birdsong.
Jorgie and I repeated yesterday's long hilly circuit trying to nullify the effects of eating cake.
Yesterday we not only heard but saw the cuckoo.
Today no signs at all of the summer visitor.

It was a morning of wide blue skies and billowing clouds and I was glad I hadn't bothered with a coat.

By midday, as I stepped back through the front door, the rain started. Then hail. For nearly an hour it bucketed down.
JD was playing golf (3 miles away) so I anticipated he would come home drenched. They hadn't had any rain!

Grey clouds have now settled in so I've fiddled with the contrast to set off the bullocks in a nearby field

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