Nicke in sauna too!

Nicke the poodle stayed by us all day until late evening.

A lot done today, I even had time to wash, blow dry and cut it's fur. And we had a short tour to the country to Lempäälä and showed Nicke the poodle some sheeps and horses. He maybe had never seen any lambs of horses before.

The issue was to go out for a May the 1st drive and have an ice-cream. So we bought a vanilla ice-cream in a cup for Nicke the poodle too. We all took a nap in the afternoon. Nicke the poodle too.

To our happiness our son and daughter came over for after party of May the 1st day - naturally with their student hats and overalls on! We had sauna evening together and I made some late night dinner. Nice family time together.
They had had great time with few of their friends (using small Corona bubbles) during vappu time - the May the 1st.


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