
How do you say in english if you desperately need candy?
In finnish it is karkinhimo. No candy in household, nothing except this hamburger.

So I was forced to open this last packet, which my mother some time ago gave me for emergency situations.

The emergency blip also because I forgot to take any pics today. There would have been a nice opportunity, as after some arranging of closets I took a bicycle and bought a 15cm chicken Subway and rode to local beach and had a picknick.
There was few other people too. One was swimming in freezing water for a moment, and some kids played something. One small child blowed soap bubbles with his parents. Bubbles looked lovely near water surface.
Met also old workmates during the short bicycling trip, and we chatted for a while. So nice to hear their news after a long time!

My knees tried to kill me again today. Meds taken of course in the morning. After the bicycling I tried some simple exercises that the physiotheapist told me to do. A little help maybe, a slight relief came into my mind. Fascia massage later in the evening.

+8c partly sunny. Apparently colder weather will be coming. Apparently more candy will be needed.


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