Happy May Day beautiful

Laura54, thank you for hosting. The main photo has an added sky to make it dramatic and just in case I've added something in extra. 

This morning I checked out the park I would have walked in yesterday. Plenty of twigs.
Thor! Stop throwing matchsticks!
Plenty of larger branches.
Thor! Stop beating me!
And then there were some branches that, wrong place, wrong time, would have ended me. 
Errrr. Good to listen to warnings.

At the park a group of musicians were practicing together on a pavilion - which is perfect because they had a stable floor, protection from the sun, but lots of air circulation. I asked him to pose. He didn't understand what I was asking, a fellow musician had to explain to him that I was asking to take his picture, so some people might just not understand. The picture is nice but this melodramatic sky!

I put the deck umbrella back - which was really hard. It requires a basic level of intelligence or a lot of strength or someone helping you and I had none of them, so lots of cursing (same four words on a repetitive loop with no creativity) and one scream of pain. 

The rest of the work for the day was adding intellectual enrichment for our new pet by altering his favorite environment (moving everything in that area). Yes, we still have him. I think he laughs at the humane traps. I told Karen we were going to have to name him, so now he's Fred. 

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