The card sharp

Today the other grandchildren visited. It was bitterly cold with sleet showers so we decided to invite them in to the conservatory. It’s really 2 more weeks before they are allowed in the house so technically not allowed yet. But we are all jabbed. They still use the van for the loo.

Mostly the children played outside. Ella climbed trees and Nathaniel leapt about with his light sabre doing Jedi things.

When it rained heavily we taught them Knock Out Whist which #2 daughter’s boys already play. They enjoyed it and I loved this picture I took of Nathaniel playing. There was much hilarity which was good for us all.

Now I’m going to raid the freezer for something to eat tonight. We have little in the house - Mr C will be going to shop early tomorrow to get some stocking up done for our trip away, though this year we’ll feel better about going in shops when we are away. We’ll also try to eat out more but the restaurant at Uig Sands isn’t opening until they can get staff which is a disappointment as it came recommended. I’m expecting the food on the outer isles to be better than when we last visited 10 years ago. It would be such a treat to have a meal I didn’t cook.

I am aware I must not divulge anything to do with Line of Duty as some Blip friends are not up to date with it all. So H is the last word I’m saying.

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