The Orient Express

By koko

She really was my best in show girl today. Crufts

Today was MiMi's day and she did me proud, she did a fantastic job today in her parade in the main arena at crufts. So well behaved and her little tail did not stop wagging the whole time. After her parade and after so many photo's , just so many people were coming up saying they had seen her in the ring. She was just surrounded, I felt I needed a bodyguard at some point!! As for me ,well I just so enjoyed it and I feel like doing it all over again.
The good thing was we were told it was delayed by 25 minutes, 10 minutes later we were called in quickly, no no time to think, no nerves. Yipeee.
This is the stand used for tomorrow's overall winner but just thought it was suitable for my blip today as she was my best in show.

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