
By Grammy


...Azalea bloom. This plant is by the gazebo. I guess it was attached to a transplanted dogwood. Such a lovely color. We have had rain on and off all day. Hubby and I worked outside in the drizzle much of the time. I pruned the butterfly bushes and other shrubs. He added more enriched soil to the new gardens by my she shed. They will be ready for planting on Wednesday. We dug up the original butterfly bush that has become scraggly and hubby hauled many loads of branches and weeds to our woods area. He also got the grass/weeds out of the patio cracks by the bird feeders. I washed the patios and back porch. We were thoroughly beat by the time we quit. My daughter Kristen has been at the hospital with granddaughter Skylar all day. She has appendicitis symptoms. I understand they may try an antibiotics regimen tonight to heal the appendix before putting her through surgery. The poor girl, this is the week her school does their play and she has several parts, plus a dance and singing solo. She has no understudy. They are definitely keeping her at the hospital overnight and operating tomorrow if the symptoms do not subside. Hubby is getting us carryout burgers and sides. I was simply too achy to prepare dinner. Prayers that the doctors will make accurate decisions, so Sky will have a quick and full recovery, are appreciated.

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