Little wrens?

Thomas saw a very fast, very small brown bird flitting in and out of the jasmine on our wall. Daver blipper thinks from my description that it could be a wren. I got this picture using the zoom so not sharp but I wanted to record it. I think I saw 3 beaks.

This morning we had the 2 hour round trip to Hexham Hospital for me to get signed off from the foot operation I had last autumn. I am so impressed. After asking if I had recovered, Mr Townsend then said “I see you are having trouble with your other foot”. He was looking at the X-ray I had a couple of months ago! He’s the first actual person I’ve seen since the X-ray was done. He looked at my foot, asked about how it had happened, and showed me on the X-ray where there was arthritis etc. He thinks there is an issue with the ankle bone where I had a small break, on the other side from the metal work and 2 big bone breaks. He thinks this is causing the pain and the plantar fasciitis and is going to put me down for a CT scan. He says a steroid injection might help but to see how I get on doing all the exercises as I feel they are helping. He said went to the Outer Hebrides on his honeymoon in a camper van and when aged 10 learned to drive on the beach which is the air strip for Barra.

I got back in time for the physio who refused payment this time. He wanted me to be in as good shape as he could manage for my holiday.

So I’m totally hopeful and cheered up - what with the thoughtful physio and the orthopaedic surgeon who took time to check things, but most of all, that I’m not relying on waiting for a GP referral and I’m not being a wimp and wasting NHS time. Things are moving forward. Hurrah.

The van got packed between showers so we are ready to get away in the morning. I have no idea what the WiFi 4g situation will be like when away.

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