Tiny Tuesday ....

... Bealtine, Celtic festival of summer.

Nothing says Summer more than the return of our summer birds.  The Blue Jays are here year-round but we don't usually see them very often in the winter months.  So when they return for the warmer months I'm thrilled to see them.  I just love their beautiful coloring and exuberant nature. 

I was able to spent a good amount of time on the deck today simply enjoying the sunshine and the wildlife around me.  I had brought out the newspaper but was easily distracted by all the goings on around me ... which I love.  I've added a photo in extras of one of the Gray Catbirds that have returned for the summer months.  

And here's some great news!  We saw our first Ruby-throated hummingbird in our backyard this afternoon!  That made me very, very happy!  I would have been even happier had I been able to get a picture of him!  But hopefully soon.  

After supper we got out for a walk at Housenick Memorial Park.  We saw lots of interesting things along the way ... including a beautiful Baltimore Oriole and some kind of thrush ... possibly a hermit thrush.

It was a great day!

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