
By ayearinthelife

Little Bit of Snow

I think we’ve had all four seasons today. Thankfully, most of the morning was summer so I made the most of the unexpected sunshine by going for a run. I think my Achilles tendon might finally be on the mend as I did my fastest time for the year so far - and without any aches or pains.
Still sunny when I’d finished my run, and I was feeling good so booked the next available gym slot, reasoning that I was already nicely warmed up.
Arrived at the gym a little early, but was happy to sit outside in the sun just looking at the scenery. It was only after I’d been looking at it for a minute or so that I realised there was snow on the tops! And it looked pretty fresh as well.
Unfortunately, that wintry weather had made its way to Kendal by the time I got home and I was caught in a short hail/snow shower. That’s summer and winter out of the way, and the alternating showers, sunny spells and cold winds for the rest of the afternoon take care of spring and autumn!
Still, the original forecast was for rain all day, so I’m just grateful I was able to get out whilst it was dry and sunny.
More rain and low temperatures forecast for the next week or so, but I’m hopeful that forecast is as wrong as today’s was and we might get to enjoy a bit more sunshine. Now that my tendon is feeling better, I’m keen to do a lot more running. But I don’t do rain!

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