Emmapolder revisited

After days with rain, today the sky cleared a bit and my weather apps predicted a nice sunset. I decided to go back to the Emmapolder for a nice quiet photoshoot. I've been here with my group last weekend with poor weather conditions, so now I wanted to capture something for myself with good light.
Peter came along. We arrived at 19.45 and were surprised to see the tide was high. Peter had checked it and assured me it would be low tide. We checked again and found out he had checked the date January 5th 2021, instead of May 5th. Ok, thanks Peter. Low tide was expected at 01.00 am. 

Anyway, we found a spot that still had some foreground interest. The sky was fantastic. I woud have like some more sunbeams coming my way, but you can't win them all.
During the almost 90 minutes we were photographing the sea level dropped drastically already, giving us more playground by the minute.

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