Day Today

By Feathers14

Pipe Down!!! Stop Making Such A Raclette...

Okay, so this isn't technically raclette, it's what was for dessert (a cheese dish followed by cheese for dessert... Yes, I have taken the points hit for cheese in The Lent Game).

Mum & Dad came up to visit me today (Happy Mothers' Day, Mum!) and we went out for a nice lunch in Fat Birds Cafe in Leam (2 good eateries in 2 days - I'm on a roll) followed by a brief wonder around Leam, picked up a few things in town and a nice coffee. I took some shockingly bad photographs, which is the reason why they're not my blip. Seriously, f2.8 is too shallow to get 2 faces in focus? I still have a lot to learn about photography (see here for the fail).

Everyone else in existence was at TEDx, today, at Warwick Uni. I am a massive fan of TED and TEDx so I'm mighty annoyed that I missed it. I've already heard a tonne about it from Eve and Axel, and I'm sure that I'll hear more over the course of the next week or so from everyone else who went, too.

In the evening we (Eve, Axel and I) cooked up raclette and damn! That stuff is good. Melted cheese over the top of fresh, quality parma ham. It's so simple to make. I'll definitely be doing it again, for sure.

TLDR: Parents came to visit; missed out on TEDx; cooked raclette.



This photo is a consolation prize of sorts because the picture of my parents was complete and utter shite. I like the cropping but DOF is too shallow. It's not really that minimalist, either.

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