
...and red and purple and green.

I had hoped that these would open in time for the Flumlet to be amazed  on Monday but they have been rather slow to develop.

They were bought last Friday as 'Coloured Lilies', reduced to 60p in Morrison's. Although I cut the ends and arranged them as soon as we were home (5 minutes away) I'd begun to think they were already on their way out - but here the are in glorious technicolour!

Edit: The Flumlet called on a WhatsApp video at his bedtime and we showed them to him plus, of course, his Daddy can show him the blip. However, he was really calling to see how the chromatography we did earlier with food colouring had turned out, so he saw that too. Isn't technology wonderful!

Absolutely crazy, my submission for Flower Friday.

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