Campana Azul

After yesterday's delightfully sunny wander in Clevedon, today was wet and dreary. 

Absolutely on forecast, which is odd for us - the BBC has been dreadfully inaccurate in our village since they moved their forecasting from MetOffice to MeteoGroup in 2018. So today has been an indoor day.

On the kitchen windowsill stands a vase of Spanish Bluebells. Best they stand indoors rather than cross hybridise with the native bluebells. We have persistent Spanish in the front garden, and natives in all the hedgerows and woodlands nearby. It's important to enjoy them securely.

The news is annoyingly variable, with disappointing news full of Tory wins and excellent news of Green ones. Labour managed to stay in Wales, and almost an SNP majority in Scotland. I suspect there will be another new New Labour shortly.

I report for the sake of wry amusement the possibly apocryphal but seemingly factual tale of someone from Hartlepool on LBC radio, who lauded the Tory win there because the Tories had given Hartlepool nine food banks and when there was a Labour government there weren't any... 

I think I must be very out of phase with the rest of the country. An incumbent government that blatantly lies, is openly dishonourable if not entirely corrupt and steals from the public purse, continues in mid-point elections to obtain solid support from the very people it robs. I don't get it.

Anyway, in other news the Charfield Neighbourhood Plan was voted in by 92.5% of the voters on a 39.5% turnout, so our Plan will be adopted now even if we're not sure yet how we'll hold a council meeting to celebrate!

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