Afternoon in the Garden

Thank you all for your good wishes yesterday. But this morning I was still feeling exhausted and the headache had not gone away. 

I think I simply suffer from stress and lack of sleep. I am not an early riser by nature, but the cats wake me up every morning at dawn, demanding food and attention, and they don't let me go back to sleep until I need to get up anyway. 

This morning I just wasn't able to work - again - and decided I'll ask my client for more time on the current project. I know it's not a very urgent one, and I'm usually very punctual, so it should be okay and give me some breathing space.

After a lot of water, some more painkillers and a light massage (thank you, P!), I felt well enough for a few hours of tidying and gardening this afternoon. And of course the cats kept me company. 

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