Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Pick a card, go on.....

Finally, all done. SD cards loaded. As there are usually 4 formats for each book and a jpeg of the dustcover there are now 11,902 items on each card. 
All wrapped up in bubble envelopes, labelled and ready for Royal Mail to stuff me about and lose them. 
For those eagerly waiting I will put the “destructions” as the late Fred Dibnah described them, in an email. 

It’s persisting down still, no problems, we can’t do anything about it. However, can anybody remember what a Cubit actually measures as I want to be prepared, even though we live on top of a hill.

This morning a shoelace was poking out of my wardrobe onto the carpet. It reminded me of a situation back in 1982 when we lived in Sarawak, Borneo. I found a deceased baby snake, about 13cm long in our lounge. Unlike the mouse that caused me grievous bodily harm recently, this snake was dead. Robert became Basil Fawlty.
I picked it up by the tail and approached the Amah (Cleaning lady, babysitter, all round bon oeuf) and asked, “Rocky, what’s this?”
“Is a worm master!” Panic written in her eyes.
“It’s not is it Rocky, worms don’t have two eyes, a forked tongue and scales!”
“Is a worm!”
“I don’t care if it’s a worm as far as you are concerned Rocky, all I want to know is where is it’s Mother!!!!!!!”

The washing machine pump was blocked by Madame’s hair grips, usual problem, as I took the pump apart Rocky was about to wash a bunch of Elaine’s silk shirts. She shrugged, filled a bucket with water and dhoby dust, (Insert Daz, Persil, Omo etc) then started smacking the shirts on the floor of the car port as if she was back in her village or Kampung. One rushed one did, to prevent Elaine throttling Rocky! 

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