Sunday's painting...

....Digital Painting for today in Procreate.
It didn't set out to be an actual painting. I was just playing with layers and other things to see what new effects that could create. 
The black started out as a tree (but I am always doing a tree) nothing wrong with that, but I was trying an experiment... I could see what I wanted in my minds eye, but it needed more time, and I had already spent an hour on the painting, and so I stopped.

A very dull sunrise this morning, and I am going back to sleep, cat is already back asleep, he agrees...

Just watching those two bluetits again. At 6:30 am. They have just come to the feeder, both of them. The male is still feeding the female. She is keeping him busy...

EDIT: In extras is this painting before I put the black in. A friend expressed they didn't like the black, and wanted to see it without the black.
So here it is without the black in extras, for comparison...

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