Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Thank YOU -- Thank YOU -- Thank YOU!!!

Yesterday was my 100th blip. There are not enough letters in the alphabet to express my thanks to the entire blip family for the fabulous encouragement that I received. I am overwhelmed at the number of YOU who stopped to take a look and the number who took the TIME--a precious commodity--to write a comment. Please accept these eight alphabet letters -- THANK YOU!!

AND I am over-joyed that Joe (my hero) took away the comma in my journal title and gave me the desired colon (honest, that's a big deal for this instructor of English).

This is Day 3 of my spring break holiday from the campus and I am kidnapping Mr. Fun and Bob dog and we are off to enjoy the Southern California coastline and wake-up there tomorrow. So watch for Thursday's journal so I can show you what we found.

Hugs to all,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
(10:40 a.m. here in So. CA)

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