New signs

Went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' this morning. It is full of new signs. Seriously? What was wrong with the old ones? I thought we were supposed to be coming out of lock down and getting back to normal and all these new signs are popping up. Who is paying for these????

This afternoon I had to stay 'home alone' while Ann went out for lunch with her friend Janice. No alcohol was allowed indoors with lunch. But not to worry, they could sit outside afterwards and drink themselves into oblivion they didn't obv, but they could if they'd wanted to. The rules are just crazy!!!

According to Janice (who has her phone set for every COVID alert going) Boris has said we can start hugging people again from the 17th May??? Mmmmmmmm..................... Ann tried to tell Janice those were 'English' rules. Is Nicola Sturgeon really going to allow us to start hugging all our friends next Monday??? I don't think so!

Anyway I had two hours of walks this morning and then when Ann came home this afternoon, I just had a little trek around the block.

Time for 'Call the Midwife' now.

Toodles. xx

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