I was intending to do two challenges in one today - the Mono Monday one and my 100 Abstracts.  However, after messing around for far too long, decided to cut the MM one and just do one more for my 100 Abstracts.

I quite enjoyed using the SlowShutter app and doing light trails, so this is one such - with a little fartnarkling, of course, afterwards, and I’m happy with it.  

Actually, now I have looked it on my Big Mac, I can even see some pareidolia - what can you see in the middle?  I see an owl, but Mr. HCB says it looks like a bat to him - ah well, it takes all sorts and of course, he can see better out of his left eye but perhaps after tomorrow, he might think it’s an owl too.

In other news, our older son, Martyn, is 50 today - so I have put an extra in of him and us, taken when he was about 18 months old, in the days when you went to a photographer to have a professional shot taken to mark the occasion.  I remember we gave one to each set of grandparents as a Christmas present.  Where did those years go?  

I had a lovely surprise in the post today, when a book arrived from New Zealand - from Snowy’s daughter, Bronwen.  When I wrote to her after Snowy died, I mentioned that I hadn’t been able to get a copy of Snowy’s book, so she said that they had found a box in her garage with several copies so would be happy to send me one.  I am thrilled to have it and Mr. HCB says he’s sure he will enjoy reading it too.

I’m really enjoying doing the 100 Abstracts challenge and remembering all the work that the Mamie Martin Fund has done in the past and is still doing now to help young women and girls to get a secondary education, which is so important in North Malawi.  

Mr. HCB was out in the garden at 6.15 this morning putting up another of his contraptions for the runner beans - and is working out there now - trying to get everything done before tomorrow.  Just hope the sun keeps shining or he will be upset.

“Do your little bit of good where you are;  
     it’s those little bits of good put together 
          that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu


P.S.  Just had a FaceTime chat with Martyn, which was great - not as good as actually seeing him on his birthday, but thank goodness for technology.  I've put a photograph in I took as a screen shot of how he looks today!  

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