Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Eastern Towhee

I really hate to post another bird photo but this is the first time that I have seen an Eastern Towhee in my yard.  Not the best shot but it works to identify it.    I was sitting on the front porch and noticed that something was moving under the azalea across the front yard.  I assumed it was some wrens or sparrows as they are always flitting around.  Then I realized it was something scrambling on the ground like it was raking up leaves so I decided it was time to get the camera.   The  Canon SX60 had the best zoom for the distance so that is what I grabbed.   

I took a few shots into the bush and saw that it had some color but it was not until it stepped out that I realized it was not any bird I had seen before.   I took this photo which was the best one I got.  I was able to identify the bird through the Seek app.  

Pretty exciting as the towhees are ground nester and apparently she was scraping up the leaves and stuff to build a nest!    Now to keep my eye out for them in the coming weeks.    Hoping I can get more photos later...and closer. 

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