Lesser Spotted Ben

It’s fair to say that Ben is missing his Climbing Club this past year.  I think it opens soon.  

In fact a bigger normality happens Monday 17 May.  Depending on your likes two of them are alcohol able to be drunk indoors and hugging!  I’m not a hugger or fussed about alcohol so my chief one is more folks meeting up in yer hoose:). Party time!

This will apply to all of Scotland apart from the Moray region coincidentally the conservative MSP that covers Moray is Douglas Ross.  His nickname is Dross as this is mainly what he is.  I looked up his voting record which is abysmal but kinda on par for what Tories stand for. On social issues he voted against same sex marriage and laws to promote equality aNd human rights.  When he was asked what would be his number one priority if he was PM for a day he replied that it would be tougher enforcement on Gypsy Travellers and if you dig deeper into this you will find that he has had a vendetta against travellers in his area .  He’s not a very nice person.

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