Golden Hornet Crab Apple!

9°C  -  11 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  12 mph Gusts  -  Overcast and Rainy!  Our Green Garden Waste Bins are usually emptied at 7 am, so I went to collect mine at 9 am.  The Binmen hadn’t been to empty them and I got soaking wet!!  Still raining at 11 am, but my neighbour had kindly collected my Bin as well so I didn’t experience a second soaking.  It has stopped raining this afternoon so I nipped out to blip my Golden Hornet Crab Apple tree  -  the blossoms have kept closed because of the rain so I expect it will be blipped again when the sun next shines!  You can see where I cut it down a few years ago  -  but it has decided it wants to live so I guess I will appreciate its wish

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