
9°C  -  Feels like 4°C  -  22 mph NNW Wind Speed  -  34 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Intermittent Rain.  The caretaker to one of the empty houses either side of me came today just as I was blipping my Bluebells, so we had a chat over the garden fence.  We were able to keep the required distance apart although she is slightly deaf.  She was wearing a very attractive face covering which looked like the kerchiefs cowboys wear!  Then it started to rain, so we scuttled into our separate homes  -  things haven’t changed much in Scotland!  I have white Bluebells in several parts of the garden this year  -  these are next to my pond and if your look carefully you can also see Cowslips, Crocosmias, Perovskia (Lacey Blue, and Aquilegia.

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