Don?t Know Nuffink

By Mrski1

Woo, Beard!!

Yay! I took today off work so I could spend the day with my daughter and her mummy, and what a fantastic day it turned out to be!

Starting with Phoebe joining me in bed for a cuddle and smile, while she did her usual and tried to stroke, then pull out my face fuzz, she seems fascinated by it!

We then went to the Ceramic Experience where Leanne had previously got both me and my mum a surprise in the shape of mugs with Phoebe's hand prints, we decided to go back there since the weather was awful and make some plates for me to take home, I dont know who had more fun, Phoebe or me! Hopefully when I go back to pick up the plates they turn out well!

After we popped past my hairdresser to introduce Phoebe to more people who have heard plenty about her, again seeming totally calm about complete strangers, even braking out the smiles for them!

We all then headed back to the house to do some wii'ing, well me and Leanne did!

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