
By Marionb

He's BACK!

Thought he might have moved on, but there he was today.  I spotted him at the feeder by accident, but my camera was nearby and having learned my lesson - I just snapped right fussing with focus etc. And just as I did, my neighbour's brought their guests out onto their porch on the other side of the garden and it spooked him and he was off... again! Later in the day, I tried once more - just sat out there before dinner, waiting - ever hopeful - and eventually I spotted him way up in a tree as far away as he could possibly get from my camera..grooming himself. Surprisingly, some of those many many snaps I took from afar actually turned out OK.  I do think he may hang around. Food available in my yard and a neighbour's pond on the other side of the fence..for baths. What more could he ask? 

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