
By Marionb

A little dash of white...

...provided by a lovely little garden visitor - a Mustard White Butterfly - actually two of them -  flitting about from leaf to flower, never seeming to find a place they liked and wanted to stay. Always on the move..little pieces of white fluttering here and there, standing out nicely against the shady areas and perking up the colours they landed on. My range of colour out there right now is narrow - just pinks and blues..forget-me-nots, violets, bleeding-hearts and of course almond blossoms. I have been spending a lot of time lately working in the garden - not the fun part of gardening but the not-so-glamourous chores of digging, weeding, edging etc. I reward myself in late afternoon by having a relaxing tea break with treat on the deck, reading and listening to the birds. The book of the week is Monet's Garden..the chapter today? Monet's Colour Harmonies. Well, wouldn't you know, one of his colour combinations was Blue-Pink-White! timely for me...I have the blue and pink...but  "To make blue and pink plantings shine more brilliantly in his garden, Monet combined them with white flowers". Which I do not have. No white flowers - I will get some..but in the meantime, I do have two white butterflies... if I can encourage them to stay!  Next stop, garden Centre.  
                                                                                                                                             "What I will bring back from here is sweetness itself, white, pink and blue" (Monet, on a trip to the Mediterranean.)

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