Tux and Izzy

Izzy leaves the UK on Tuesday to return to "the field". She's excited and nervous, and I'm a bit sad; Thursday mornings won't be the same. On the other hand, I'm pleased for her that she's returning to do more good in the world via her job for the International Rescue Committee*.

She's had a hectic week saying goodbye to people but she was determined to say au revoir to Dan and Abi in person, so after her final Covid jab, she caught the train up from Manchester, late this afternoon. While the Minx picked her up from the station, Dan and I went to pick up a curry.

The ever opportunistic Tux saw a new pair of hands that might be interested in paying him some attention and after we'd finished eating he came to sit patiently next to Izzy, who was tickled by his optimism and told him he was out of luck.

He wasn't, though!

*Readers of a certain age will, of course, remember 'Thunderbirds'. Regrettably, this isn't the same.

Reading: 'Touching The Void' by Joe Simpson

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