Emergency Lilac

Childcare Support Day again, so we went to our daughter’s in Doncaster. Indoor picnic (again)...but the granddaughters really enjoyed it, especially as we set up our folding picnic bench in their lounge and me and Mrs madwill sat with them for lunch. More porcupine (pork pie) was consumed. Amusingly, the youngest had told her childminder about last week’s picnic and the porcupine...and the childminder did ask our daughter what she had really been eating!

Anyway...I have photographing the lilac flowers in the front garden, on and off for about 10 days now...but the photos have never made it to blip. Today’s morning light was quite soft and worked nicely on the flowers...so as we have barely set foot outside today and I have no other shots, this pair have made it today.

The neighbours must think I am bonkers (possibly not the only ones) standing out in the front garden taking the same photos early in the morning!

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