
By Mindseye

Accidental selfie

Slept ok.....woke earlyish but as seems to be my new "norm" ( if only i had my old Norm!)
The morning was bright & sunny so decided on a walk.....no breakfast. After a wander I headed for a pitstop, coffee obviously ;-)

Got settled outside, in the sunshine, messaged my friend who lost her daughter a year ago today....we had an exchange which resulted in a few tears :-/ Our other friend whose partner has been going through cancer alongside hub, had messaged this morning to say her brother, eho we knew well. had died in hospital last night, only 60! Sadly he had struggled with his addiction for many years.

Todays blip is a bit random I know! Not sure how I managed this selfie. Obviously totally accidental, but definitely taken whilst I was sat having my coffee lol!! At least its bright and colourful!

Walked back home, skipped lunch, just had a banana as I was going to my sis's for dinner and she was making homemade fish chips mushy peas and tartare sauce.......it was absolutely delish.....hake too!!

The drive over was nice in the sunshine. Once I had been there a short while, I collected sis's card for our friend, the. drove to her house, as a surprise just to drop off our "thinking of you" cards and a little guardian angel for her, similar to one someone bought for me recently. When I knocked on her door, she was so surprised to see just burst into tears, which obviously set me off......she had visitors, a little afternoon tea to mark Stephs aniversary, which included another friend of ours. I hadn' t seen either K or J since last September when lockdown was last lifted....very emotional!

Headed back to sis's for said dinner, which we all enjoyed, we chatted and watched tv, Kobi entertaining us as always. The rain had started as I left K's and was relentless from 4 onwards, again!! Daughter rang me whilst we were sat, she was on her way home and would normally have rang Dad, so rang me instead, which was really nice, but she had forgotten I was at my sis's, not that it made any difference.......but I sensed she wanted to chat a bit longer than she did, when she realised where I was :-/ By 7.30 it was bouncing down and quite dark.....so I decided to head off, got back around 8.45, sorted out a photo I promised to send to sis, got changed, made myself a cup of tea and put tv on.

Ended up looking at old photos, sis in law sent me one of me and hub from a cruise we had been on, brought back lovely memories, but made me sad too.....more tears! Daughter put something on fb about being upset and missing her Dad, we must have been simultaneous! We ended up chatting for a while on line, both agreeing today had been a tough day :-( but recognising its still very early days and we have a long way to go before we can move forward......whether we want to or not, we will, in time.

Tomorrow dawns the 7th week......already feels so much longer

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