Impression of a Bluebell Wood

Impression of a Bluebell Wood
The weather stopped us getting to the bluebell woods last week and we knew it was getting late for them. This morning at breakfast we decided to go over the Lady's Wood Nature Reserve today and see what they were like.
The bluebells had certainly 'gone over' but there was an impression of a blue carpet. I decided rather than take straight photos of the bluebells I would try some ICM techniques I had been thinking about.  I have been reading a book by Freeman Patterson and Andre Gallant called 'Photo Impressionism and the Subjective Image' dating from 2001. They where using film cameras and building up multiple exposure similar to the 'Additive' mode on my Canon. They were shooting blind and working out the exposure compensation needed. They built up the ICM effects by taking the same camera position / movement for a few images and then adding another effect.
Certainly building on the knowledge I gained from Doug Chinnery and Velda Bailey on their courses last year.
The saying 'Every day in every way I get a little bit better' comes to mind.

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