These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Easter Tulips!

I actually had time today to spend a few minutes taking pictures of my Easter Tulips from every angle imaginable. Josh got these for me the night before Easter and I've been enjoying them immensely ever since. All four of the children who currently spend a great deal of time here napped at the same time - and after finishing up some tidying up, I had time to relax, take pictures and ponder! It was marvelous.

We had a fun day which included dress up, playing money, playing in the sand box and swinging, blowing bubbles, play doh.... and the kids had AWANA tonight. Right now, it's way past bedtime and the kids are in their room blowing rasberries at each other. What a marvelous sound right before bed. Last night, they played this game and were laughing hysterically at each other. Tonight, they are simply blowing rasberries but no laughter is ensuing!

It's early to bed for me tonight. I need to be ready to take on the day!!

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