These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Video games with Dad

This evening was pure bliss for the littlest Mr. Ashcroft in our household. He got a video game lesson from Dad. Oh boy, what he thrilled. Yesterday, he sat down and played but had zero idea what he was doing. Today, dad gave him a few pointers and he almost scored a touchdown tonight! yahooo! In fact, he had a break away and was so excited, he ran his guy right out of bounds right before he crossed into the endzone. I think he did score a safety, so the game ended 10-2 in favor of the other team!

We spent the day at Kelly's house, packing boxes, boxes and more boxes. We haven't been there in such a long time, the kids were thrilled to play with a different set of toys and we were actually able to get quite a bit done. The girls took nice long naps and we made it back home in time to fire up the little BBQ and have BBQ hamburgers for dinner. Josh just beat Kelly and I in a game of hearts and it's time to head to bed!

Goodnight everyone!

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