A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Oh, What A Beautiful Day

This sweet male goldfinch sang his little heart out this morning to an audience of one. Lucky me! He perched himself atop the shepherd’s hook, straightened his back, then let out the most delightful melody. He stopped occasionally to look around, wondering who was paying attention. His song grew louder between each pause, filling the still-cool air, carried forth on every breeze. Except for the accompaniment of a wind chime, it was only his voice that could be heard. It was his moment, and he gave it all he had. I imagined him singing the song from Oklahoma: Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh, what a beautiful day, I’ve got this wonderful feeling, everything’s going my way!” • The Indigo Bunting returned at least twice today :) Hopefully I will be able to share a photo of him soon! • I hope everything went your way today too :) Take good care!

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